Tuesday 27 February 2018

#6 Evaluation significant moments in our film

Significant moments
I think this is a good starting scene for our trailer, this is because it tells the audience straight away that out film trailer is a sci-fi genre, the audience can also guess its a horror film, because of how creepy and scary the mechanical alien looks like, this scene might as confuse our audience because they might be wondering why is there an alien attacking, since this isn't our equilibrium, we decided that we start right after. this scene makes our film a trailer because it is giving a small idea of who the villain is in our film

I decided to take this scene because of how creepy and scary the statue looks at night, we decided to have this statue shown in our film trailer only a few seconds, this is also because we wanted to provide to our audience what else our film has in store which is horror, we can also link this to a TV show "Doctor who" this is because of how it links to our sci-fi and horror genre, in Doctor Who there is weeping angles which is futuristic  because the weeping angles are statue that are alive and moving, they only move when it becomes dark they can move.

This shot is very important as it easily shows that it is sci-fi related this is because of how its a UFO, UFO's would be linked to sci-fi and sometimes horror this is because of the stereotypes that come with UFO's and Aliens, in this scene it can make the audience think there is multiple and unique different aliens and suggests that the film is a sci-fi, this also gives out unanswered questions to the audience like where did the aliens come from?, why are they attacking? this could make the audience want to find out more about our film trailer.
In this scene we see our hero and sidekick running away this could suggest this is the start of the film and make our audience think how does the hero and sidekick fight back, how do they find out what situation they are in, in this scene they are running away from the villain or villains as there is multiple of them in our film, since we decided to have zombies as our villain, they multiply, which this scene is trying to employ. 
I think this scene was very effective because of this gives multiple different questions unanswered by our film trailer to the audience, like who is this and why is he cowering in the corner? what happened to him? some of these questions are answered near the end of the film trailer, where we see this character turn into the villain of our film, zombies.
In this scene it suggests that the hero in our film trailer has realized what he needs to do and has started to fight off the zombies, this links to our horror genre, because he is attacking the zombie, and it links to horrors because of blood and gore that is shown in this scene. I could link this scene to one of a scene from the walking dead, they have realistic looking zombies and blood and gore, they have scenes where they slice and stab zombies with knifes which we were inspired by.
This scene is similer to the one before but instead of the zombie getting attacked, the zombie is attacking a random person in our film,we had to use the same character for our zombies characters this is because of the lack of people we needed for scenes, this could make the audience feel like this was a badly done scene, we could of improved this scene by trying to have more unique zombie characters in our film.
This scene is very important aswell as it confuses the audience because they dont know what is happening and dont know if this is the start of the zombies invasion or it is at the end of the zombie invasion, we tried to make it the end of the zombie invasion we did this by putting this right at the end of our film trailer.
In this scene we have our hero of our film trailer expressing his emotions, this is important because it shows development, in this scene the hero is scared and crying, later into the film trailer we see our hero again but this time he is expressing his emotions filled with anger this is shown with his face expressions, we also planned this scene to be in the dark, which could suggest he is hiding from everything around him.
In this shot it shows the special effects we have used which we used is a helicopter crash, to create this scene we started by recording the scenery which we took from a park, we recorded for like 10 seconds long and then we got out the editing software out which we used adobe premier elements. this scene also makes our film professional and authentic.
This is our first time showing our villain in our film while not being transformed into a zombie, he has a scary and creepy atmosphere,and the head slightly tilted also makes the audience feel uncomfortable and feel a little bit uneasy. this scene can make our audience automatically know this character is the villain.
In this scene our main focus was to scary the audience, we wanted to do this because we wanted to focus mainly to attract meature horror fans, this can also make the audience feel uneasy with the villain stearing down at the camera, which could make it feel like the villain actually knows you are watching.

#5 Evaluation Institution Analysis

Institution analysis
 In our film trailer we have two different production companies each having unique aspects to them, Horse motion was made very simple using a non copyrighted horse in 3 different unique animations to make it look like its moving in one spot, We used adobe premiere to create Horse motion, it was very easy to edit in Adobe as it gave us simple drag and drop sections and easy to trip the pictures into very small seconds

In finite films we used a completely different approach to creating this production company, we want to create a unique production but also having some similarities to 21st century fox production company, but we changed it to suit our needs for our film trailer and made it a little bit different so that it wasnt copyrighted, we decided to make this using the modeling tool Blender, blender was extremely useful as we could use templates that was copyright free and easy to use for our film all we needed to do is change the titles to suit our new production company animation "Infinite Films", blender was usually used to create models but blender also has an animation section where you could create films using its special effects.

#4 Evaluation Narrative

How is narrative established?
We have used different unique ways to show the narrative in our film trailer, we mainly focused on the sci-fi genre, this is because of how prevalent it is in our film trailer, in the picture we have a UFO which links to sci-fi because of how fictional it is and how it is usually linked to futuristic space themes, we also have robotic aliens which also conforms to the sci-fi genre, also having these green screen sci-fi effects makes it easier for the audience to know what kind of film we are trying to create.
We also have some other green screen special effects that gives a little in sight of what our film also includes, we have a helicopter crash which is sometimes linked to action but we decided to try to link it to our other genre horror, we tried our best to make it look like zombies have been on the helicopter and have destroyed it, making it crash

We needed to give our audience some in sight on how did the zombies arrived on earth and how did aliens space ships arrived, so we decided to add a nuclear explosion at the end of our film trailer this is good because it makes the audience guess whats happening and they could think this was at the start of the film where things looked normal until zombies and aliens started invading earth.

Sunday 25 February 2018

#3 Evaluation - How has your trailer title shown its conventions?

We firstly did some in depth research on titles linking to our genre conventions and we have came up with multiple titles but we all agreed that "Carnage" would be our film title, we decided this because of how Carnage sounds like a lot of destruction and rampage, we also decided to go for carnage as it gave the audience an idea of how our film is going to go, "Carnage" sounds like an action packed film with in depth story, I think carnage can link to the zombies in our film this is because of how destructive the zombies can be in the film trailer.
We also decided to go a simple as possible to not show to much to the audience, this is good as it can make the audience keep thinking and wondering what is going to happen, but this scene is at the end of the trailer, which means the audience already understands whats going to happen, but having a simple end screen can make them feel like something is still missing from the film trailer.

#2 Evaluation Explore the use of sound

How does the sound in the film trailer compare to other film trailer sounds?
In our film "Carnage" we noticed that our horror conventions in our movie wasn't very prevalent, so we decided to add drums to build up the tension in our film trailer and it also conforms to the horror genre, the we also have different variants of the drums, which we decided to use for specific scenes in our film trailer, we have drums slowly building up for our production company animation and we also have different variant of drums for when the villain of our film, the zombies appears, the drums becomes very quiet which adds a little bit of a creepy atmosphere.
We also have narrators in our film, we decided to have narrators because we thought that our audience wouldn't understand completely whats happening, having narrators could make it easier for our audience to understand whats going in our film trailer and it can also add some depth into the story of our trailer for our audience.

The jigsaw
In jigsaw the Short horror film, uses a different way with sound to build up tension, at the start of the film the music starts really intense and scary, and then it transitions into a loud market of stores, the camera follows the main characters, we get to hear what the character also hears with people shouting and trying to sell their products, the main character enters a quiet store to find a creepy box, when the mysterious box leaves the hands of the owner, mysterious and creepy music start playing, slowly building up tension to scare the audience.

Friday 23 February 2018

Media Mind Map

Media Mind Map
We needed to create a mind map, we all put ideas and have put them down, some ideas constituted scenes like having an equilibrium where the main character is at a cafe drinking and then he looks outside to see destruction, zombies eating people and running around the city, we thought this was a good idea but was extremely difficult to imitate this high quality of work, and we don't have enough people to act out this scene.
We decided to make a mind map so that we could put our ideas together we decided to go for a futuristic sci-fi and horror themed film trailer. we also came up with sci-fi conventions like using green screens to add sci-fi animations like UFO, Helicopter crashes and robotic aliens we decided to use this because of how it conforms to the sci-fi genre.
For our horror genre we decided to have zombies, this is because of how different and unique it is having horror and sci-fi genre we decided to do zombies because of how scary and unique it is, we added our names to the mind map and we all wrote ideas for our characters we also were given simple roles, hero, villain, and side kick we all added features that we think could make our film characters have depth and detail, we decided that the villain is going to be a zombie and our hero will be a casual character who is enjoying his day with his sidekick/ friend who is going to be in the film trailer.

Tuesday 20 February 2018

#1 Evaluation Representation

Representation have you subverted or conform to stereotypes typical of your genre?

I think my group has conformed to the general stereotypes of horror and sci-fi, we think we have conformed to the stereotypes of sci-fi because we have used green screens and special effective that involve aliens, robotic alias, helicopter crashes and also a UFO attacking Earth, we also think we have conformed to the horror stereotypes this is because of the zombies that our in our film, we decided to go for zombies as it subverts the general stereotypes , we decided to use sci-fi and horror genres because these two genres usually go together, but since we are using zombies our villain it is a bit different compared to other film genres with horror and sci-fi together.

I am going to compare this scene from our film trailer and 28 weeks later running way from zombies scene, I decided to compare this two scenes because they are very similar but also different at the same time, in our film we have the main character and his side kick running away from the camera which makes us think the zombies (the villain of our film) is behind the camera

In 28 weeks later its similar to our film where they are running away from the zombies but the difference is, the camera is following the main character of the film which is effective because it puts the audience into the main characters shoes making it feel more realistic.
To improve our film we could of made the camera follow the main characters to give it more action in our film.

In this scene of our film we have a close up of the villain (Carlos) we tried to add as much detail as possible but we were limited to our budget for our film and didn't have enough products to make our film realistic as possible. I am going to use the walking dead season 1 to compare this is because they have close ups of zombies and they seem more realistic, this is probably because of the budget they received for the film production.

Thursday 8 February 2018

Creativity how did you work collaboratively?

How did you work collaboratively to share ideas?
we decided in our group that we would create a mind map, in this mind map we all gave each other ideas and wrote them down on the paper, we also gave each other assigned roles, I had the editing role where I put together our video clips and tried to make the film trailer feel realistic.
Tom was the sound guy, he helped me with choosing the mot effective songs to use which would fit our film best he also chose the best songs that conformed to our film trailer genre
Callum decided the location on where we plan on recording our film he suggests multiple different and unique locations that would fit our horror and sci-fi genre
and Ellis decided the props and budget for our film she decided what we needed for our film and what we dont need, she decided that we would need face paint to give our villain a realistic  look.

Film analysis

Film analysis
in the film special effects were used to express the sci-fi genre which includes robotic aliens, UFO's and also helicopter crashes, we also have face paint to present our zombie character the villain.
when deciding on which song to use for our film we decided to do some research on what music fits with horror, we found out that intense and tension types of music are usually used in horror film trailer, we decided to use drums music this is because it fits our film and also has unique fade ins and outs and slow starts, this helped us build up tension in our media film trailer this was very important as if it didn't build any tension our film trailer would feel mediocre and feel like a low budget horror film trailer.
we used special effects and cuts in adobe premier elements to put together our film, this also made it easier for us to put non-copyrighted music we also added fade ins and outs to give a smooth transition to the next scene, mixed with camera shots makes our film professional.

Empire Sherlock Holmes 2 Poster analysis

Empire Sherlock Holmes 2
In this poster there is no space where there isnt anything going on, we see massive title in the background of Sherlock Holmes head this could suggest that the character is more important than "Empire" but it is also still obvious to us what it says and its in bold which makes it easy to read.

The poster also includes small screenshots of scenes which gives hints to the audience of this empire poster which they could suggest to the audience that this is a mystery/thriller movie, we can also guess that its based on the past as we see some unique scenes that are rare to see in modern times.

there is a lot of genre identifications in this poster like the gun he is holding, the gun looks old fashioned and can make us think this was based in the past, there is also promotions on the bottom of the poster to other films like hunger games and snow white. 

Prop research

We needed to decide what props are needed and what we required to conform to the correct conventions in our film trailer, we first came up with a list of possible items that we might of needed, we also have a budget when deciding which props to buy, this also ruled out a lot of props and ideas as we didn't have the budget to afford them.

Some of the items we included is face paint, fake blood, green goo, zombie costume, Lab coat, liquid latex and also makeup, at the end we decided to purchase fake blood, green goo and face paint we thought this they were easy to use and wasn't hard to find these in toy stores and convince stores.
we also had to think if these items would help us conform to the stereotypes of a sci-fi and horror film trailer we tried our best to link the items and props we used for our film.
We plan on using the the fake blood and face paint for our villain in our film trailer which we decided to use the face paint on my face as I played the villain in the film trailer we mostly used green and dark green mixed with some black face paint as we tried to make it as realistic as possible.

We thought of using zombie costume to make it realistic as possible, but sadly it was out of our price range, if we did include a zombie costume we think it would of improved our film a lot.

Wednesday 7 February 2018

Film feedback

Feedback for our film trailer
We were given feedback from our class which they suggests something they liked about our film and also suggested a way to improve our film this was very important to us as we want to learn from our mistakes and we want to make sure there is minimal error in creating our film. we have created a very unique ambient sound effects that build a little tension in our film trailer this is good as it got the audiences hopes up on makes them want to find out more about the film trailer,
We received lots of praise on sound and camera but we received some needs on improving some bits in our film like a few seconds of sound glitch out which broke the immersion of the film as the audience might feel unpleased with the glitched out audio.

Film presentation

Film presentation
At the end of our media production for our trailer we had to create a poster explaining why we think our trailer is good and we expressed how we thought what scenes were effective and why, we also tried to link it to media theorists, we was very important as we could understand it better if we used our film trailer to link it too.In this presentation we reflected on what we needed to improve our media film from last year and we agreed we have created an even better film from last year, we also received feedback on what we could improve for our film trailer.
We have linked it to a film theorist who is todorov narrative theory, Todorov's theory suggests that all narrative follow a three part structure, starting with equilibrium which is nothing is going on everything is going smoothly and then something stops the equilibrium and causes a problem to occur.

Media Poster draft

Media Poster Draft
Media Poster draft done in Photoshop

In designing our poster we are going to have the villein/ the zombie in the middle of the poster, this will make the face more clearer and stands out, we also added some effect on the eyes in which I made it glow red which adds a creepy factor to the poster, but it isn't complete as its missing the title and important information as it helps the audience understand what the film is about

Media Poster draft done in Real life
This poster is our ideal idea as it has the position for where we want the title and the villain is also going to be on the poster in the middle of the page, when we get the poster complete we plan on using Photoshop and a high quality camera to give our poster a unique feeling to it and also want it to stand out as much as possible.

In the final deign phase of creating our poster we might decide to change the positions of titles and add extra features to the poster as we are very inexperience in design poster.

Interviews Callum

Interview Callum Davis
Character analysis
Callum is our third role and he plays a supporting character role where he helps the protagonist tom, he mainly helps tom when hes in trouble or needs a way to escape from problematic issues, in the interview callum expresses his feeling on his role and also has experience of being a supporting character making our film production feel more realistic.
We also tried to make callum as casual as possible to not got confused on which is the protagonist and whos the supporting character, also giving callum casual clothing makes the audience think that callum is unprepared for what is going to happen to Callum and Tom.

Interview - Tom

Interview - Tom 
Character analysis
Tom Cowley's role in our film is going to be the hero, he is going to be fighting the villain in our film he is a very important character in our film as he is going to follow the protagonist stereotypes in the film, his role is what our audience will be focusing on as they will be finding out what Tom feels about his role and also will find out in our film if he will change and defeat the villain in our film, Tom also has gotten previous experience with being a protagonist  which will make it easier for us to film as their will be less mistakes in the design phase.

Media Poster idea

Media poster
When deciding to create our poster we decided to have some similarities with the Avatar poster this is because the Avatar has a creepy and mysterious atmosphere we decided to take out the idea of having a face in the middle of the poster this is usually a position for an important character, we decided to use this position for the villain in our film, this is because this will get the audience to think why is the villain the only character on the poster and also brings up the idea that the film doesn't have a good ending. We decided to use face paint for our villain as it gave a more realistic feel to the character as it is seen as a more believable zombie, we also used photoshop to blacken the eyes to increase the creepy factor in the design of the poster.

The programs we used to create this media poster is photoshop and an Iphone, we used the Iphone to take the high quality picture of the villain then we cropped out unneeded areas which is when we used photoshop to shade out in black the bits we don't need, we also downloaded specific texts to make our poster a little but more unique compared to the other groups in our media class.

Friday 2 February 2018

Institution Research

Institutions in film are argued as being central to a films success, they provide money and also advertising rights in trailer and films which can be used to intrigue an audience. Institutions such as Warner Brothers or Universal can captivate their audience and are also a vertically integrated company which makes it easier for the distribution of films which has a higher rate of success.

Our institution is called, "Infinite Movies" we chose this name based of the concept that the movies are forever revolving and we are infinite in our possibilities, different genre or any cinematic convention is possible which is effective as it shows that we have acquired a prestige in film and can achieve anything in our possibilities.

Warner Brothers: The Dark Knight Rises - $544,346,358 total gross

This is our production we created in blender we were inspired by 21 century fox but we changed it to suit our film, we thought this was a good idea as we wanted our film to look a bit more professional and decided to have something similar to 21st century fox production company.

Interview Carlos

Interview - Carlos
In these interviews we ask various questions that gives an in depth view on our characters and what they do and what we think why our roles are important, in this Interview I gave hints on what  our film is about and I also have expressed what role I will be playing which is the villain in our film, which is a zombie.

Poster analysis

When designing the poster we kept it minimal, compared to other posters, but our poster provides a lot of enigmas that would confuse the ...