Tuesday 26 September 2017

Film Trailer - Rough ideas

Rough Ideas

1. In the first section, the first scene starts with Tom Cowley in a cafe drinking a cup of coffee, this is the equilibrium where everything is normal, it drastically changes into people outside running and screaming, with blood and women and children screaming, this is the problem that develops which effects the main character "Tom Cowley", The zombie like monsters are running causing chaos outside of the coffee shop, everyone is panicking. There is alot of locations with where we could play this scene as there is alot of resturants and coffee shops in leatherhead. 

2.In the second scene we have Tom Cowley enter a gun store to arm himself and starts to block the windows and doors with furniture around the store, this links to Idea one where the zombies are already out and about, so Tom goes into a gun store to protect himself will eventually develop into tom finding his friends and family, finding a suitable location for this is going to be difficult because there isnt any near by gun stores, so this idea might likely not be used.

3.This is a completely different idea and doesn't link to the other ideas, in this scene we have Tom in a hospital visiting his Mum this changes the equilibrium as there is already a problem as Toms mum is sick 

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