Tuesday 12 September 2017

Avatar film trailer analysis

Trailer climax
I think the climax starts at 1:05 where Sam Worthington gets a view of the Na'vi body hes going to enter to, i think this is a very important scene because Sam gets another chance to walk again and explore with his two own feet, he also gets to feel and experience something hes never experience, being in someone else body.
What is the film about?
The film is about an alien world called Pandora, there is special creatures called Na'vi who are half human hybrids called Avatars, A former marine Sam Worthington who has paralyzed legs he has lost his legs in a battle and have lost his twin brother who got killed, he becomes mobile again through one such Avatar and falls in love with a Na'vi woman named Zoe Saldana the relationship grows and become drawn into each other, near the end a battle to survive the Na'vi kingdom.
genre indicators
In the first few seconds into the film trailer it looks like its based in the modern era then we get a glimpse of a spaceship which automatically makes us think of the future, we also know this is based in the future because of the flying birds and smiler creatures to what we have and that don't exist in our time, which is why I think its a sci-Fi movie. we might think its a war film because of the mechs and guns they have, near the end of the film trailer there is a full blown battle against the na'vi and the humans which makes us think its a fantasy film as the Na'vi doesn't exist.
Sam worthington is wearing very professional army clothes, he is also in a wheelchair which can make us the audience feel sympathy for his as hes lost something really important.
We get a scene of mysterious unique creatures in a fantasy world called Pandora were blue hybrid people exist, Pandora almost looks like a jungle but with mythical plants and wildlife which can make us think as a fantasy film. They also have holograms and high tech in the army base which is something we don't have.
In the film trailer there is a lot of cuts, cuts are used to show and present the character we know this because 1:20 seconds into the film we get cuts and fades outs of the main character in his new body.
17 seconds into the film trailer we get an establishing shot of the world the movie is based " Pandora" a few more seconds into we get to see medium shots of the wildlife, there is a lot of low angle shots of Sam Worthington, this can tell us that Sam is weak powerless we know this because Sam is in a wheelchair and hes in the army which means he couldn't fight in his state.
The music used is very calm and mysterious, this gives the audience an understanding of what kind of film it is, the music changes into a sad and depressing music near the end of the film trailer, this is because a problem has occurred were the main character doesn't want to obey his superiors. the music sounds very calm and slow pace music then it changes drastically into a high pich intense music then it changes when the Na'vi and the humans have an all out war against each other.

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