Thursday 8 February 2018

Film analysis

Film analysis
in the film special effects were used to express the sci-fi genre which includes robotic aliens, UFO's and also helicopter crashes, we also have face paint to present our zombie character the villain.
when deciding on which song to use for our film we decided to do some research on what music fits with horror, we found out that intense and tension types of music are usually used in horror film trailer, we decided to use drums music this is because it fits our film and also has unique fade ins and outs and slow starts, this helped us build up tension in our media film trailer this was very important as if it didn't build any tension our film trailer would feel mediocre and feel like a low budget horror film trailer.
we used special effects and cuts in adobe premier elements to put together our film, this also made it easier for us to put non-copyrighted music we also added fade ins and outs to give a smooth transition to the next scene, mixed with camera shots makes our film professional.

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