Tuesday 27 February 2018

#6 Evaluation significant moments in our film

Significant moments
I think this is a good starting scene for our trailer, this is because it tells the audience straight away that out film trailer is a sci-fi genre, the audience can also guess its a horror film, because of how creepy and scary the mechanical alien looks like, this scene might as confuse our audience because they might be wondering why is there an alien attacking, since this isn't our equilibrium, we decided that we start right after. this scene makes our film a trailer because it is giving a small idea of who the villain is in our film

I decided to take this scene because of how creepy and scary the statue looks at night, we decided to have this statue shown in our film trailer only a few seconds, this is also because we wanted to provide to our audience what else our film has in store which is horror, we can also link this to a TV show "Doctor who" this is because of how it links to our sci-fi and horror genre, in Doctor Who there is weeping angles which is futuristic  because the weeping angles are statue that are alive and moving, they only move when it becomes dark they can move.

This shot is very important as it easily shows that it is sci-fi related this is because of how its a UFO, UFO's would be linked to sci-fi and sometimes horror this is because of the stereotypes that come with UFO's and Aliens, in this scene it can make the audience think there is multiple and unique different aliens and suggests that the film is a sci-fi, this also gives out unanswered questions to the audience like where did the aliens come from?, why are they attacking? this could make the audience want to find out more about our film trailer.
In this scene we see our hero and sidekick running away this could suggest this is the start of the film and make our audience think how does the hero and sidekick fight back, how do they find out what situation they are in, in this scene they are running away from the villain or villains as there is multiple of them in our film, since we decided to have zombies as our villain, they multiply, which this scene is trying to employ. 
I think this scene was very effective because of this gives multiple different questions unanswered by our film trailer to the audience, like who is this and why is he cowering in the corner? what happened to him? some of these questions are answered near the end of the film trailer, where we see this character turn into the villain of our film, zombies.
In this scene it suggests that the hero in our film trailer has realized what he needs to do and has started to fight off the zombies, this links to our horror genre, because he is attacking the zombie, and it links to horrors because of blood and gore that is shown in this scene. I could link this scene to one of a scene from the walking dead, they have realistic looking zombies and blood and gore, they have scenes where they slice and stab zombies with knifes which we were inspired by.
This scene is similer to the one before but instead of the zombie getting attacked, the zombie is attacking a random person in our film,we had to use the same character for our zombies characters this is because of the lack of people we needed for scenes, this could make the audience feel like this was a badly done scene, we could of improved this scene by trying to have more unique zombie characters in our film.
This scene is very important aswell as it confuses the audience because they dont know what is happening and dont know if this is the start of the zombies invasion or it is at the end of the zombie invasion, we tried to make it the end of the zombie invasion we did this by putting this right at the end of our film trailer.
In this scene we have our hero of our film trailer expressing his emotions, this is important because it shows development, in this scene the hero is scared and crying, later into the film trailer we see our hero again but this time he is expressing his emotions filled with anger this is shown with his face expressions, we also planned this scene to be in the dark, which could suggest he is hiding from everything around him.
In this shot it shows the special effects we have used which we used is a helicopter crash, to create this scene we started by recording the scenery which we took from a park, we recorded for like 10 seconds long and then we got out the editing software out which we used adobe premier elements. this scene also makes our film professional and authentic.
This is our first time showing our villain in our film while not being transformed into a zombie, he has a scary and creepy atmosphere,and the head slightly tilted also makes the audience feel uncomfortable and feel a little bit uneasy. this scene can make our audience automatically know this character is the villain.
In this scene our main focus was to scary the audience, we wanted to do this because we wanted to focus mainly to attract meature horror fans, this can also make the audience feel uneasy with the villain stearing down at the camera, which could make it feel like the villain actually knows you are watching.

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