Thursday 15 June 2017

IT Trailer

IT  Trailer 
In the film trailer we can tell its a horror film from the music that starts playing, the non-diegetic  sound is creepy and mysterious this makes us think this is a horror film as the music is usually associated with that, At the start of the trailer we get glimpses of whats in the film this can make the audience feel scared and worried about what could come next.
what does the title convey?
The title doesn't really make us think it is a horror film, but as this is a remake of the original IT this can bring fans from the old series want to watch the new IT to get a similer or better experience of horror.
We can also link the colours of the scenes in the IT trailer this is because they are very dark colours telling us that the film isn't going to be a happy light heated horror film, this can also create a sense of tense in the film

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