Tuesday 13 June 2017

Creativity Where did the ideas come from?

Where did the idea come from?
When deciding our ideas we asked a lot of people around the class and not many people thought of making a horror film, so my group and I decided to make a horror film because it was different, after this we decided to write a list on what is needed for our film, like costumes, props.
The idea for our film is a boy who has gone missing for a very long time on the news there has been reports of unknown murders happening, one day a young student decided to take a short-cut home, he enters a forest and half way through the forest he notices someone is dragging nothing he thinks nothing of it and continues walking and then he becomes shock as he finds our hes dragging a body and then it becomes a chase as the student runs away and ends at the end with the killer/murder looking at the student.

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