Monday 19 June 2017

Analyzing Film poster Skyfall

Film Poster
What does the film poster convey?
In the film poster "skyfall" we see title with the words skyfall and 007 under it, The 007 suggests that is a spy/action, because when we see the numbers 007 we automatically think of the the series of action and sky films that has been created this also tells us that there is a new film being part of the series called skyfall.
What characters does the poster show?
In the film poster we see Daniel Craig playing James Bond, this tells us that he is the main character of the film and we can also see a glimpse of the location of where this film will be produced and on the bottom right of the poster, we can also guess that the film will be recorded in a city.
This poster gives a basic understanding of what the film is, this is because we don't see much as we have a slight glimpse of the film.
In the poster we see very dark and bland colours this suggests that the film will be a very dark and sad film with the black colours, we also can see James Bond who is the main character, he is also wearing smart and professional clothing would could tell us that hes in disguise as we know it is a spy film. we also see the classical gun barrel behind the picture this is very common for most James Bond series.We know this is an action/adventure film because James Bond is holding a gun 
A different type of edit was used for creating this poster, they merged three images together firstly by putting the main character in front of the background, they also added the classic 007 gun barrel which is merged with the city, the colours used in the poster are mostly consisting blacks and whites and also the main character having some colour in the poster.
The types of camera used here was a mix of a medium and a long shot this is because we get a medium shot of the main character in the film, and then we get a long shot of the city that we think the film will be filmed in.

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