Sunday 4 March 2018

#10 feedback and response

we had to create a small presentation about our film trailer, we had our class watch our film trailer and they would need to comment on camera, sound, editing, mise-en-scene for our film trailer, we received a lot of praise on the sound and the camera shots, sound was extremely good because of how it built up tension, but we did also receive some negative comments on sound in some aspects, like near to the end of our film trailer we have our villain create a sound that shouldn't be heared, we decided to quickly fix this issue by removing the sound and fixing it by adding the tension building sound. we had some negative comments on mise-en-scene where it was extremely obvious that we used the same character but for different roles, this issue could not be fixed as we were limited by time and also people.

In the presentation we have included the best work we have accomplished over the past months we talked about unique selling points and what made our film trailer unique compared to other similer horror and sci-fi trailers. 

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