Thursday 29 June 2017

Elysium Trailer analysis

Elysium Trailer analysis 
what does the trailer tell us?
From the first few seconds of the film trailer we get some intense music, that makes the audience thinks this is a action and sci-fi we also know this because of the establishing shot of the sci-fi country, we also know this is a poor vs rich type of film we know this because of the words appearing "the privileged" this can make us think of rich wealthy people and then it gives us quotes saying no poverty, no war
In the first few seconds into the film we already know its going to be a sci-fi film because of how high tech and clean their world is, we also know its based in space because of how close the planets are to each other, they are also wearing very clean and fancy clothing, then we find out that there is another planet called "Earth"



Tuesday 27 June 2017

Robin Hood prince of thieves

Robin Hood prince of thieves
What does the title convey?
In Robin Hood prince of thieves we know the genres are action, adventures film, in the first few seconds into the film trailer we get a sense of escapism as we can see its based in the past because of the design of the houses and where they are living gives us a different sense of location compared to our daily life.
Action scene is used in 0:51 into the video where we see people in the carriage and horses battling and fighting each other this is a great chase scene for this action film as it suits the time zone, this can make the audience interest in the film as the film has action scenes, 36 seconds into the film trailer we see weapons which is a bow this can give the audience a feeling of escapism as its completely different from modern times, this can make the audience interest because if they like old fashion style films they can watch this. In the film all of the scenes are very fast paced where we have a scene in a house and people fighting transiting into outside in the carriage this makes the audience think its an action film
In the film trailer we automatically think its an old fashion and based in the olden times, we know this because of where the characters are which is in a forest with wooden buildings this suggests that its old fashioned we also know this because of the weapons they used which is spears, bows, carriages these objects are usually linked to old times where electricity wasn't invented yet.
In the film trailer a lot of camera cuts was used and fade ins and outs was used as-well this gave the film trailer a smooth transition into the next scenes of the trailer and made it very easy for the audience to understand whats happening.
in the film trailer a lot of long and close up shots were used to express the important of the story line, 37 seconds into the film trailer we see a close up of an item this can make us think why is this item important. we also have a first person view of the arrow 52 seconds into the film trailer. 15 seconds into the trailer we have a lot of cuts this is good because it makes the audience focus more on whats happening this tries to make the audience understands whats going on.
The sound in the film trailer starts slow and then it gradually develops into up beat action music this gives the audience an idea of what the film is by just listing to the music 

Silence of lambs Poster Analysis

Silence of lambs poster analysis

Tuesday 20 June 2017

Mr Popper's penguin Trailer Analysis

Propps theory of narrative
In film productions they usually use these types of characters in the films, a "hero" someone who is there to save someone or make something better.
They also use a "villein" in films this character is usually someone who is fighting the hero this can be seen in different ways with an actual fight or a verbal fight consisting of stealing etc, villeins are important in films because they will be very boring and will be lacking a lot of features of a decent film.
There is always a villein in a film without a villein the film will usually be boring, the villein in Mr Poppers penguins we think is the penguins because they are acting like a disturbance, but later into the trailer the villein is the zoo keepers who are trying to take the penguins into the zoo.
The donor in Mr Poppers penguins is Tom Popper (Jim Carrey) father, we know this because Tom Popper receives a box with penguins, the penguins also act like helpers to Mr Popper in the trailer.
The helper in the film will be Mr Poppers dad this is because he is the one who gave Tom Popper penguins.
False hero

Monday 19 June 2017

Analyzing Film poster Skyfall

Film Poster
What does the film poster convey?
In the film poster "skyfall" we see title with the words skyfall and 007 under it, The 007 suggests that is a spy/action, because when we see the numbers 007 we automatically think of the the series of action and sky films that has been created this also tells us that there is a new film being part of the series called skyfall.
What characters does the poster show?
In the film poster we see Daniel Craig playing James Bond, this tells us that he is the main character of the film and we can also see a glimpse of the location of where this film will be produced and on the bottom right of the poster, we can also guess that the film will be recorded in a city.
This poster gives a basic understanding of what the film is, this is because we don't see much as we have a slight glimpse of the film.
In the poster we see very dark and bland colours this suggests that the film will be a very dark and sad film with the black colours, we also can see James Bond who is the main character, he is also wearing smart and professional clothing would could tell us that hes in disguise as we know it is a spy film. we also see the classical gun barrel behind the picture this is very common for most James Bond series.We know this is an action/adventure film because James Bond is holding a gun 
A different type of edit was used for creating this poster, they merged three images together firstly by putting the main character in front of the background, they also added the classic 007 gun barrel which is merged with the city, the colours used in the poster are mostly consisting blacks and whites and also the main character having some colour in the poster.
The types of camera used here was a mix of a medium and a long shot this is because we get a medium shot of the main character in the film, and then we get a long shot of the city that we think the film will be filmed in.

Thursday 15 June 2017

IT Trailer

IT  Trailer 
In the film trailer we can tell its a horror film from the music that starts playing, the non-diegetic  sound is creepy and mysterious this makes us think this is a horror film as the music is usually associated with that, At the start of the trailer we get glimpses of whats in the film this can make the audience feel scared and worried about what could come next.
what does the title convey?
The title doesn't really make us think it is a horror film, but as this is a remake of the original IT this can bring fans from the old series want to watch the new IT to get a similer or better experience of horror.
We can also link the colours of the scenes in the IT trailer this is because they are very dark colours telling us that the film isn't going to be a happy light heated horror film, this can also create a sense of tense in the film

Tuesday 13 June 2017

Creativity Where did the ideas come from?

Where did the idea come from?
When deciding our ideas we asked a lot of people around the class and not many people thought of making a horror film, so my group and I decided to make a horror film because it was different, after this we decided to write a list on what is needed for our film, like costumes, props.
The idea for our film is a boy who has gone missing for a very long time on the news there has been reports of unknown murders happening, one day a young student decided to take a short-cut home, he enters a forest and half way through the forest he notices someone is dragging nothing he thinks nothing of it and continues walking and then he becomes shock as he finds our hes dragging a body and then it becomes a chase as the student runs away and ends at the end with the killer/murder looking at the student.

Creativity Media forms

How did you use media forms to come up with something new and original?
When deciding what to do for our film and what type of genre we wanted we thought about how media forms could affect our end product of our film, we firstly thought about the place of where we are going to film we decide to film in a forest because it linked to our film genre horror and thriller, we also thought about the sound near or in the location, this wasn't that important to us because the forest we filmed in was very quiet and not many people passed us by when recording.

Spider-Man: Homecoming Trailer

Spider-Man Homecoming Trailer

What does the title convey?
The title can conveys to us because the title spider-man Homecoming Trailer #2 this title will automatically make us think its a super hero film because everyone knows spider-man.
What does the trailer convey?
The trailer shows a super hero trying to beat the villain which is usually the format for a super hero film, the trailer usually shows a new villain or hero in film. The film looks like females and males can watch but I think the focus is 12 to 18 year old because children at younger ages usually will watch at least one super hero film and when they get older will usually continue to watch the series of the film.
The genres for this trailer will be, action,super hero, and sci-fi this is because super hero films will usually include a lot of action and sci-fi because most of the films is based off something in the future like spider man getting bitten by a spider turns him into a spider man.
I think the age group would be around 12 to 18 but people over 18 will usually watch this because a lot of people love to watch super hero films I also think 12 year olds would watch this because they are usually introduced by their friends to go into the cinemas and watch films, and they usually will pick something they like which is a super hero film.

The areas and places this film trailer is based on a modern mixed with a bit of sci-fi where we see massive ships that isnt something we see everyday so this can get peoples interest as they might be interest in technology and sci-fi stuff., also the type of clothing spider-man is wearing is a super hero suit which can also suggest that its a super hero film filled with action. at the end of the trailer it shows the name of the film this is better to be at the end of the trailer rather then the front because people wont be as interest a they know nothing about the film but having at the end can make the audience remember the film as they have gotten a rough idea of whats going to happen in the film and makes them want more. before one minute we see tom Holland who is playing spider-man acting like hes normal like everyone else and then it changes drastically when we see a scene of spider man trying to hold a ship together.

The sound in the trailer sounds very loud and intense this can conform the stereotypes of super hero films being an action this can get peoples attention because a lot of people like super hero mixed with action. the intensive music can build up the audience and make them think what is going to happen in the film making them want to watch the film and wait for it to be released.

In the first few seconds of the trailer we see spider-man going into an alley way to change into his costume, edit was used here because the director used cuts in with black screen then rapidly cuts into spider-man half complete in his super hero suit, and then the clip cuts into spider-man swinging in the sky
In the first few seconds into the video trailer we see a long shot of spider-man and then it transitions into a medium and then a close shot this can be effective because it can make the audience wonder whats that in the far distance and then they find out when the camera shots become medium and short shot.

Digital Technology

when using software and hardware, there is many issues that could occur some of the issues that can happen with software like the editing software could have limited features for editing this can be bad because our film might not look as professional as other films, another con is the software might crash causing us to lose our files of clips and our production company clip, software also has pros like using the software can make it easy for editing our film, this is very important to us because we have a lot of video clips and we need adobe premiere elements to put together to create. hardware can also create issues like the computers can fail to start or become broken this is bad because it can slow down our editing and rendering time for our film. another con of hardware is that the hardware might not be powerful enough which will make the rendering time be extended. hardware also has pros like desktops this is useful because these are the most powerful and best hardware for film making as they are capable of doing more then phones, laptops and tablets, but we also used a camera phone to record some of our video footage.
when deciding what type of hardware to use we decided to use dell desktop computer to edit and render our film, we used this because it was the only system capable of doing editing and rendering with the software adobe premiere elements, the computer wasn't really up to the task of rendering as it took too long around 10 minutes, to improve this next we wound get a more powerful computer so we can edit and render faster this would be very helpful as we could add and improve our film to look more professional. To record our film we used a iPhone 4 camera to record we used this because we didn't have any cameras available to use so we had to use a phone camera and we compared camera quality and see who had the best quality and choose to use that camera.
When creating our film I had to use film creating program called adobe premiere elements when we have received all of files for our film we had to make sure that adobe premiere elements had the correct settings for our video file which was 720p 30 fps we had to use this file format because our cameras was very limited and was very old which made our video limit, we also used websites to create our production company clip we edited it little bit to suit our theme and we got decided.
The good points about editing is that the adobe premiere elements was very easy to use and it made our film look very professional, we had some trouble with it taking to long to load in our video files and rendering also toke a long time because our film was made of little clips extending the rendering time
When researching for our film we needed to find the props what we needed for our film, when deciding our props we tried to link it to our film genre which is thriller/horror, the first prop we needed was a missing poster which we could create at home, I went online and searched for a missing poster and then I asked to take a picture which we used an iPhone 4 camera which has 5 megapixel camera and it takes  of the character Leon who is missing in our film and then I used paint to import the picture of Leon into the missing poster, We also used computers to do research, we used to look up horror/ thriller props for our film, but at the end we decided not to use any props form Amazon
Technology was used to create our production, I first went online and started doing research about how production clips looked like and tried to get ideas from them, and then I searched around the web for free intros that could be edited and used for free in our film, we found one intro clip that was free to use and edit and I changed the logo and also changed the name to "Cloud productions" and when every thing was ready we started to let it render and when it was complete we added it to our film project.
 Technology have contained a lot of constraints that could appear in the development of our film, one constraint is that the desktops we are using to edit and render could be better as it slows the development of the film.

Poster analysis

When designing the poster we kept it minimal, compared to other posters, but our poster provides a lot of enigmas that would confuse the ...