Tuesday 13 June 2017

Digital Technology

when using software and hardware, there is many issues that could occur some of the issues that can happen with software like the editing software could have limited features for editing this can be bad because our film might not look as professional as other films, another con is the software might crash causing us to lose our files of clips and our production company clip, software also has pros like using the software can make it easy for editing our film, this is very important to us because we have a lot of video clips and we need adobe premiere elements to put together to create. hardware can also create issues like the computers can fail to start or become broken this is bad because it can slow down our editing and rendering time for our film. another con of hardware is that the hardware might not be powerful enough which will make the rendering time be extended. hardware also has pros like desktops this is useful because these are the most powerful and best hardware for film making as they are capable of doing more then phones, laptops and tablets, but we also used a camera phone to record some of our video footage.
when deciding what type of hardware to use we decided to use dell desktop computer to edit and render our film, we used this because it was the only system capable of doing editing and rendering with the software adobe premiere elements, the computer wasn't really up to the task of rendering as it took too long around 10 minutes, to improve this next we wound get a more powerful computer so we can edit and render faster this would be very helpful as we could add and improve our film to look more professional. To record our film we used a iPhone 4 camera to record we used this because we didn't have any cameras available to use so we had to use a phone camera and we compared camera quality and see who had the best quality and choose to use that camera.
When creating our film I had to use film creating program called adobe premiere elements when we have received all of files for our film we had to make sure that adobe premiere elements had the correct settings for our video file which was 720p 30 fps we had to use this file format because our cameras was very limited and was very old which made our video limit, we also used websites to create our production company clip we edited it little bit to suit our theme and we got decided.
The good points about editing is that the adobe premiere elements was very easy to use and it made our film look very professional, we had some trouble with it taking to long to load in our video files and rendering also toke a long time because our film was made of little clips extending the rendering time
When researching for our film we needed to find the props what we needed for our film, when deciding our props we tried to link it to our film genre which is thriller/horror, the first prop we needed was a missing poster which we could create at home, I went online and searched for a missing poster and then I asked to take a picture which we used an iPhone 4 camera which has 5 megapixel camera and it takes  of the character Leon who is missing in our film and then I used paint to import the picture of Leon into the missing poster, We also used computers to do research, we used www.Amazon.co.uk to look up horror/ thriller props for our film, but at the end we decided not to use any props form Amazon
Technology was used to create our production, I first went online and started doing research about how production clips looked like and tried to get ideas from them, and then I searched around the web for free intros that could be edited and used for free in our film, we found one intro clip that was free to use and edit and I changed the logo and also changed the name to "Cloud productions" and when every thing was ready we started to let it render and when it was complete we added it to our film project.
 Technology have contained a lot of constraints that could appear in the development of our film, one constraint is that the desktops we are using to edit and render could be better as it slows the development of the film.

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