Sunday 15 October 2017

Costume research

Costume research

Zombie make-up
In our movie we have a zombie character, and we plan on making it as realistic as possible, to do this we have searched amazon for the best zombie make up kit, we want our zombie character to look the part and look authentic, we decided to use this product as its realistic and easy to use making it very easy to simply put it on our faces, but there is some disadvantages with this product it seems to have very limited colours and doesnt seem to have very much product as it looks like it comes in small tubes
Zombie clothing
We decided to use this zombie clothing product we found on amazon, we decided to use this as it looks realistic because of the blood and spikes being pierced into the body which gives a realistic effect, it also seems to come in a lot of different sizes which is very useful if we want to have a group of zombies and alot of different body shapes to fit into the clothing, but some disadvantages is its going to look very clear that everyone looks the exactly the same, so to deal with this we might look for some other zombie clothing so we have verity, another disadvantage is that it seems to be a t-shirt only product which means we might need to look for shorts or trousers that has similar looks to this clothing product.
In our film we will be using laser guns or something similar to it, this is because our film is a sci-fi and horror film, the gun will act like a prop for our film to change it to a different gun like a CGI laser pistol, this pistol is also very cheap so we can have groups of people using the gun, the main character of our film we be using the pistol to fight off the zombie hordes that are running at him.

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