Tuesday 31 October 2017

Film - Audience research

When deciding what type of audience we are targeting we have to analyses our film genre as it can impact the audience, The sci-fi genre age group can be 15 to 20+ I think this is a good age group for our film because sci-fi consistent with futuristic planets and enigmas like aliens, linking to our other genre horror this could bump up the age group to an 18+ for our audience as younger ages might not be able to handle horror films.
I think our film will be more targeted to the male audience because horror and sci-fi is usually males would find interesting and cool and males would find sci-fi films more interesting examples of this is star wars, star trek these films are more focused for the male audience, if they were focused for the female audience they would include a romance genre, but their is also some females who watch horrors and sci-fi films.

An audience range we think we are going for is teens and adults as we think its suitable for their age group and we think our film will be perfect for friends and family to watch together and enjoy the thrill of watching something completely unique.

Monday 30 October 2017

Mood Board

Mood Board

These zombie images gives out a creepy and mysterious feel to them, as it is something that is unknown to us, also the audience will want to find out what kind of zombies they are because we have horror and sci-fi the audience might think its going to be robotic zombies.

The limited blood and gore in these pictures can suggest that the film isn't going to violent or action based but their is also a picture of a solder holding a machine gun which could confuse the audience. these pictures can make the audience wonder what the film is about and they can guess its going to be a sci-fi and horror film because of the space themed pictures and the zombies.
we can see a lot of sci-fi related pictures with some sci-fi citys, we know they are sci-fi based because of how unrealistic they are with cities floating with spaceships flying around them, we also have a picture of a portal opening in space, this can make the audience think our film will have some CGI.

Sunday 29 October 2017

Font research

Font research
1. I.T
Information about font: In the I.T movie they use a custom font specifically made for the film, but a similar font would be futura font this is because the font used in the film cover is bold and white which is very close to futura.

Font effect: The font is effective because of the colour used because it contrasts with the dark background this makes the text pop out and standout it also can make us look more in depth into the cover as are eyes are so focused on the bright text that they could easily miss out on whats happening in the middle of the cover.

The red IT font is custom made, this can make it effective because we havent seen anything like it before and can give a creepy feeling the way the letters are crocked and wonky.

2: E.T
 Information about font: In the E.T film cover they decided to use the souvenir medium font for the "The Extra-Terrestrial" font and they also used a custom Font for the E.T cover.

Font effect:the Font colour goes together with the dark blue as the E.T font has a blue glow around the text which helps it stand from the background.
They also put the text in the bottom of the film cover which makes us look at the background first where we can get an insight of what the movie is about, the text still important as they used a glow around the text which is similar to the moon.

3: The walking dead
Information about font: The cover for the walking dead series uses the Tungsten Black font which is black and at the background of the picture of zombies and the people

Font effect:  The Tungsten black font is merged with the background where we can see dirt over the text, the colour of black also goes with the scene we are shown as the colours are very dull and boring.

Sunday 15 October 2017

Costume research

Costume research

Zombie make-up
In our movie we have a zombie character, and we plan on making it as realistic as possible, to do this we have searched amazon for the best zombie make up kit, we want our zombie character to look the part and look authentic, we decided to use this product as its realistic and easy to use making it very easy to simply put it on our faces, but there is some disadvantages with this product it seems to have very limited colours and doesnt seem to have very much product as it looks like it comes in small tubes
Zombie clothing
We decided to use this zombie clothing product we found on amazon, we decided to use this as it looks realistic because of the blood and spikes being pierced into the body which gives a realistic effect, it also seems to come in a lot of different sizes which is very useful if we want to have a group of zombies and alot of different body shapes to fit into the clothing, but some disadvantages is its going to look very clear that everyone looks the exactly the same, so to deal with this we might look for some other zombie clothing so we have verity, another disadvantage is that it seems to be a t-shirt only product which means we might need to look for shorts or trousers that has similar looks to this clothing product.
In our film we will be using laser guns or something similar to it, this is because our film is a sci-fi and horror film, the gun will act like a prop for our film to change it to a different gun like a CGI laser pistol, this pistol is also very cheap so we can have groups of people using the gun, the main character of our film we be using the pistol to fight off the zombie hordes that are running at him.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Film Trailer - Sound analysis

Sound analysis
Zombie sound effect
In this video we are given multiple zombie sound effects with difference in grows and moans we can use these sound effects for the zombies in our film, we might choose these zombie sound effects as they sound very clear but it also has some disadvantages like it sounds very fake and mushy, this is very debatable if we want this zombie sound effect, it also has growls with different variety of shouts and growls.

Sci-fi sound effect
In this sound effect we get a lot of different sci-fi sound effects that sounds good for an alien spaceship, which links to our sci-fi genre and it also sounds very close to the sci-fi sound we are looking for. this sci-fi sound could be used for when an alien spaceship gets shot down and the protagonist enters the half-destroyed alien spaceship. A disadvantage of this sound effect is it doesn't give us many versions of the sci-fi sound we get a few quick, snappy sci-fi sounds but it isn't enough for our film.

Laser gun sound effect
This sci-fi sound effect is quick and snappy and we are also shown multiple different variants of the laser gun shooting, we get a single shot and then we get a rapid 3 burst shooting, the sounds are sharp and clear which is very good as it will fit into our sci-fi movie, and it also will fit perfectly in editing as the sound is very short and quick making it easy to add to our sound section of the editing software.

Movie film analysis
I am legend - sound analysis
The sound used in I am legend is completely different as the sound used seems to suggest its a sad film and less horror also the music isn't very intense as I think its more calm and gentle which could suggest that their is hope for the main character of the film, there is also slight moments when the sound changes drastically into a more action based sound where we can hear unique and interesting instruments.

I.T - Sound analysis
The sound used in the beginning of the music, its very slow and intense, and then it rapidly builds up with high and low pitches of sound and goes completely silent and then starts with slow beats with could be used in our film to build up tension as it sounds very creepy and very unique as its never been heard before. In this sound track there is alot of bits where it ends with silence, this tells me that having no sound can also build up the tension of the scene, 1 minutes and 50 seconds into the music track starts playing some creepy drums and bass which sounds unique as the drums are used completely different from other horror/action film genres.

Tuesday 10 October 2017

Character infomation

-Tom Cowley

Character details
This character is going to be the protagonist in our film, he is the one who is going to be fighting the villain the futuristic zombies
We decided that Tom would wear causal clothing, we want to give the idea to our audiences by making them think that the world hasn't changed that much and that every thing is set in the present, this changes when the audience sees UFO's and machine aliens.
Character roles
Tom is the main character in our film he will be the character who is going to defeat the enemy with his sidekick callum

-Callum Davis

Character details


Character roles
Callum davis is the sidekick in our film he helps the main character accomplish hard, difficult situations

-Carlos Gouveia

Character details
The features of the character is going to be gory, bloody, dark and mysterious, this character is going to be very creepy dramatic. He will be the villain in our film as hes going to be a zombie, we also plan to make it as realistic as possible.
The costumes I will be wearing dark and ruined clothing with fake blood on it, we also going to have fake blood on my face which can make it realistic, we also have green slime to make the character look like he is decaying.
Character roles
The role I will be playing is a zombie in the film, where i will be chasing the main character of our film Tom Cowley, in the editing section I will use a custom zombie voices so that it could make our film more authentic and realistic.

Sunday 1 October 2017

I.T trailer analysis


In the first few seconds we get an idea of how the film is going to start, it makes us think whats going to happen, makes us wonder on whos going to be caught next, when georgie goes outside we already know its creepy because of the washed out colours and bland background, it makes us focus on georgie as hes wearing a yellow rain coat.
We also receive a short introduction of everyone who's going to be part of the film and also see who's going to get effected by the film, we can also see glimpses of pennywise the clown where we can see hes got exaggerated human facial parts, which is why most people find clowns creepy and scary.
The film trailer starts with non diegetic sound where creepy and mysterious music starts playing, it develops rapidly into exciting up beat music when georgie starts playing in the rain, but then it goes silent when he hits his head on the road prop, it suddenly changes into a very creepy and scary music, slowly building up the music and then goes completely silent until Pennywise the clown pops up from the sewerage drain.
In the film alot of fade ins and outs which could give a creepy effect as we dont know whats going to happen next until we watch the film, Also blank black scenes were used which could make it more creepy as some people are scared of the dark.
at the beginning of the trailer we get quick sneak peaks of billy making a paper boat, it changes very quickly from the scene to the production company logos, then we get a two shot of Billy and George, which gives us an understanding of the relationship they have with each other.

Poster analysis

When designing the poster we kept it minimal, compared to other posters, but our poster provides a lot of enigmas that would confuse the ...