Saturday 9 September 2017

Little miss sunshine trailer analysis

Little miss sunshine

What does the title convey?
Little miss sunshine can make us feel happy and existed, It also makes us think of what's it about and what's going to happen, the word sunshine is usually related to happiness, the title also makes us curious as we want to find out who is little miss sunshine
A few seconds into the film trailer we are introduced with the film company and the production company, we get a view of a close up of a girl which we automatically think she is little miss sunshine, she is wearing very geeky glasses, in the next scene we have a scene of the family where we can see the men wearing suits and work clothing as the women are wearing causal clothing.
Camera is used a lot in the film trailer, Few seconds into the film trailer we get a close up of the main character of the film, this can make the audience think who is this girl what is she doing here. Later in the scene we have a establishing shot of the family, we can also see that the family has some problems we get some low angle camera shots which makes the character we are facing as a powerful character.
The music sounds very calm and slow and then later into the video it develops into a more up-beat music and then it changes genres into a more wide west music, at the end of the film trailer gets cut at the end for a few seconds and then a simple 3 second upbeat is played.

In the film trailer the is grandpa speaking and the camera changes to everyone else faces, the film director might of did this to show what everyone feels about the problems that have occured.

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