Tuesday 26 September 2017

Film Trailer - plan

In the plan we planned out our paths for the film production, like actors, Tom, Callum and I will be acting in the film, we have decided that Tom will be the protagonist the person who will be the main character of our film, and I as a zombie as our film is sci-fi and horror based, we have lots of plans on using special effects with the zombie character like making the eyes glow, we think going through the SFX route if the best way to go for our sci-fi and horror film as its completely unique compared to other groups in our class room.

Film Trailer - Rough ideas

Rough Ideas

1. In the first section, the first scene starts with Tom Cowley in a cafe drinking a cup of coffee, this is the equilibrium where everything is normal, it drastically changes into people outside running and screaming, with blood and women and children screaming, this is the problem that develops which effects the main character "Tom Cowley", The zombie like monsters are running causing chaos outside of the coffee shop, everyone is panicking. There is alot of locations with where we could play this scene as there is alot of resturants and coffee shops in leatherhead. 

2.In the second scene we have Tom Cowley enter a gun store to arm himself and starts to block the windows and doors with furniture around the store, this links to Idea one where the zombies are already out and about, so Tom goes into a gun store to protect himself will eventually develop into tom finding his friends and family, finding a suitable location for this is going to be difficult because there isnt any near by gun stores, so this idea might likely not be used.

3.This is a completely different idea and doesn't link to the other ideas, in this scene we have Tom in a hospital visiting his Mum this changes the equilibrium as there is already a problem as Toms mum is sick 

Tuesday 12 September 2017

Avatar film trailer analysis

Trailer climax
I think the climax starts at 1:05 where Sam Worthington gets a view of the Na'vi body hes going to enter to, i think this is a very important scene because Sam gets another chance to walk again and explore with his two own feet, he also gets to feel and experience something hes never experience, being in someone else body.
What is the film about?
The film is about an alien world called Pandora, there is special creatures called Na'vi who are half human hybrids called Avatars, A former marine Sam Worthington who has paralyzed legs he has lost his legs in a battle and have lost his twin brother who got killed, he becomes mobile again through one such Avatar and falls in love with a Na'vi woman named Zoe Saldana the relationship grows and become drawn into each other, near the end a battle to survive the Na'vi kingdom.
genre indicators
In the first few seconds into the film trailer it looks like its based in the modern era then we get a glimpse of a spaceship which automatically makes us think of the future, we also know this is based in the future because of the flying birds and smiler creatures to what we have and that don't exist in our time, which is why I think its a sci-Fi movie. we might think its a war film because of the mechs and guns they have, near the end of the film trailer there is a full blown battle against the na'vi and the humans which makes us think its a fantasy film as the Na'vi doesn't exist.
Sam worthington is wearing very professional army clothes, he is also in a wheelchair which can make us the audience feel sympathy for his as hes lost something really important.
We get a scene of mysterious unique creatures in a fantasy world called Pandora were blue hybrid people exist, Pandora almost looks like a jungle but with mythical plants and wildlife which can make us think as a fantasy film. They also have holograms and high tech in the army base which is something we don't have.
In the film trailer there is a lot of cuts, cuts are used to show and present the character we know this because 1:20 seconds into the film we get cuts and fades outs of the main character in his new body.
17 seconds into the film trailer we get an establishing shot of the world the movie is based " Pandora" a few more seconds into we get to see medium shots of the wildlife, there is a lot of low angle shots of Sam Worthington, this can tell us that Sam is weak powerless we know this because Sam is in a wheelchair and hes in the army which means he couldn't fight in his state.
The music used is very calm and mysterious, this gives the audience an understanding of what kind of film it is, the music changes into a sad and depressing music near the end of the film trailer, this is because a problem has occurred were the main character doesn't want to obey his superiors. the music sounds very calm and slow pace music then it changes drastically into a high pich intense music then it changes when the Na'vi and the humans have an all out war against each other.

Sunday 10 September 2017

The lego movie film trailer analysis

The Lego movie
What does the title convey?
The word "Lego" is very common as everyone would of bought or played with Lego, making a movie about Lego could bring in a lot of children and some adults who have played with Lego making it kinda nostalgia, The lego movie can also remind us of the games they released with the Lego movie.
Trailer climax
I think the climax of the film trailer is 37 seconds into the film this is because of how everything changes into the worse for the main character, the Lego world has changed into disaster where everyone and the people of the city has become chaos.
Genre indicators
we automatically know this is a comedy and hero based film, we know this because of the casual jokes they used and the threat the main character has to deal with.
The first thing we notice is that they are using cgi to animate the movie, we also see that they are using the actual lego figures as the main characters, this brings alot of nostalgia because they are using the same shape, clothes they would wear if they were wearing in real life
When creating the Lego movie they have used CGI to animate the characters, they might of also used a green screen to animate the faces on the Lego figures, the film editor uses a lot of cuts to change scenes into a drastic fast pace scene, which is one good way to get a lot of content into a 1 minute and 30 second film trailer.
In the beginning of the film trailer we get a few seconds of an establishing shot of Lego city, we get an idea and makes us feel like the Lego figures are real, the camera changes into a 2D style of viewing the film for a few seconds we see the main character of the film. we also get establishing shots of the Lego city, which tells us that the city is lively and exciting place to be in.
The music used in the film trailer is very up-beat and comedic with the main character getting into trouble and making funny jokes that could make the audience laugh.
The film also made a song which is used in the film, with the lyrics " everything is awesome" which is very catchy and it gets stuck in our head.

Saturday 9 September 2017

Ted film trailer analysis

What does the title convey?
The title Ted is very simple but very effective because people want to find out more about a film that doesnt say much, and Ted could be a shorten version of teddy, which might be related to Ted being a teddy bear
What is a the film about?
Ted is about a boy who has a birthday wishs his teddybear could talk, the next day the wish comes true and the teddy bear becomes alive, a few years later the teddy bear Ted become very comedic, this film has changed from a childrens film now more recommend to for adult content.
In the beginning we see a clean and pure scene of the main character dressed causally, then it changes rapidly when it changes from the past to the present and they are dirty, messy and acting like slobs.
The background senery looks very modern, there isn't no special effects used except for animating the teddy bears movements.
The music used sounds very mysterious at the beginning of the film trailer we also hear a narrator telling us whats about to happen, it develops into a very funny and comedic music, the music used in the video is non-diegetic sound
In the first 4 seconds of the film trailer they cut from the animation of the world to the real world, but some animation still stays with the reality with Ted the teddy bear moving.
In the beginning of the film trailer we get long shot of the world, then the camera starts to zoom in to the house of the main characters of the film where we get some backstory of how the main characters met.
We get a lot of establishing shots of the characters lives. the use of establishing shots makes us get an idea on whats going on and can also show that everything is going very well, but then we get medium shot of them sitting on a sofa in the future.

Rocky Balboa film trailer analysis

What does the title convey?
The title rocky balboa makes us automatically think of the boxer rocky balboa, there has been ally of similar films related to boxing. Rocky Balboa is a very well known boxer and a someone had made a film about him and his life experiences with boxing.
In the first few seconds into the film trailer we are introduced to the main character who is watching a boxing match the location looks like it was based in the early 90s we know this because of them using old plasma tvs which has become very uncommon, we can also find out this is based in the 90s because of the types of clothes they are wearing which is very plain and bright coloured clothing. the location on which the film is based seems to be a very vibrant and exiting city with bright lights and restaurants. Later into the film trailer we see boxers wearing bland shorts and also wearing boxing gloves.
In the film trailer the is a lot of transitions into each scene, with fade ins and outs, there is also a zoom effect in some scenes of the film trailer.
There is a lot of punching sound effects mixed with the slow paced music in the background, it slowly develops it more into an exciting up beat music, there is very simple sound effects used like a heart beating with the main character saying a quote "its not about how hard you hit its about how hard you can get hit"

In the first few seconds into the film trailer we get to see the production company and the publisher of the film and then it transitions into a low angle shot of rocky Balboa which could mean he is powerful compared to the us the audience, the scene gos black and then we see Rocky Balboa surrounded  by a lot of people. We also get a two shot of the boxers attacking each other, and there is also a close up of Rocky Balboa's face which could mean the director wanted the audience to find out what Rocky Balboa wants.

Little miss sunshine trailer analysis

Little miss sunshine

What does the title convey?
Little miss sunshine can make us feel happy and existed, It also makes us think of what's it about and what's going to happen, the word sunshine is usually related to happiness, the title also makes us curious as we want to find out who is little miss sunshine
A few seconds into the film trailer we are introduced with the film company and the production company, we get a view of a close up of a girl which we automatically think she is little miss sunshine, she is wearing very geeky glasses, in the next scene we have a scene of the family where we can see the men wearing suits and work clothing as the women are wearing causal clothing.
Camera is used a lot in the film trailer, Few seconds into the film trailer we get a close up of the main character of the film, this can make the audience think who is this girl what is she doing here. Later in the scene we have a establishing shot of the family, we can also see that the family has some problems we get some low angle camera shots which makes the character we are facing as a powerful character.
The music sounds very calm and slow and then later into the video it develops into a more up-beat music and then it changes genres into a more wide west music, at the end of the film trailer gets cut at the end for a few seconds and then a simple 3 second upbeat is played.

In the film trailer the is grandpa speaking and the camera changes to everyone else faces, the film director might of did this to show what everyone feels about the problems that have occured.

Friday 8 September 2017

The dark knight film trailer analysis

The dark knight
What does the title convey?
The word dark can related to evil and bad this can make us think the film is going to be crime based, but the word knight confuses the audience because a knight I'd usually someone who protects.
In the first 7 to 10 seconds of the film trailer colours mainly used are very dark and gray colours this gives the film a creepy and mysterious vibe in the film.
Every fade ins and outs in the film trailer with each scene changing from good to bad and repeating hero to villein.

In the film trailer we are given a lot of establishing shots this gives the audience an idea of what the film is about, we also get glimpses of close ups of the characters face.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Fast and furious 5 film analysis

Fast and furious 
What does the title convay?
The word fast can suggest that it can be related to something fast like car, and the word furious can make us think there can be a lot of action scenes and also linking fast and furious makes us think of the series which can make the audience more interested in the film if they have watched it before.
In the first few seconds into the film trailer we have bikes and cars rolling into a facility of theirs this can make the audience think this Is going to be an action film as cars and bikes in the film usually is related to action
In the trailer a lot of fade ins and outs are used in the beginning of the trailer where all of the characters are in the group talking to each other, we get a close ups of everyones face with their face expressions.
Camera is used 5 seconds where we have close ups of the characters faces we can see that everyones face a very happy and existed which can suggest that its and action and crime film, because of the location they are.
Upbeat music is playing in the background, it is sound that the characters can't hear.

A Street Cat Named Bob film trailer analysis

A Street Cat Named Bob

What does the title convey?
The title can suggest many things, an idea i think the film title tells me is that its a sad story, because of the words "street cat" which suggests that the cat is homeless and needs caring for. another thing in the title can suggest a bit of comedy, as the name Bob is very uncommon and people usually use bob as a joke name.
What is the film about?
The film is about a man who is having troubles in his life and then a cat named Bob meets James the main character who tries to make his life much better by helping James with his life issues, at the end of the film he fixes his past issues with his family, with the help of the cat Bob he improves his life
Genre indicators
I think the genres in the film are comedy, drama and family problems we know this is going to be a comedy film because of something supernatural a cat named Bob visits James who is having family problems, we know this because James doesn't get along with his dad because of his life choices he has made.
From the look in the trailer it looks like its based in the modern time as its very similer to our world, the world is very dark and depressing we know this because of how the sad and depressing face of James. James clothing is very causal and dark very plain and boring
James looks scruffy and wears bland clothing this can suggest that he doesn't take care of himself
Edit was used in the trailer where we can alot of fade ins and outs in the trailer which can tell us that James the main character is improving and developing his problems into something better, the film company also used the music in the background to show their film company logo 5 seconds into the film trailer
The music used in the film trailer never changed and has started very slow which can give the film a little bit of hope but sounds a little bit depressing as the film progresses the film becomes more jolly and happy. the sound used in the film trailer is non-diegedic sound
We get alot of high angle shots of the main character "James" this could tell us James is weak and might be also confused as he doesn't know what to do in his life. we also get an establishing shot of James and the cat Bob which could gives us a heart warming feeling.

Poster analysis

When designing the poster we kept it minimal, compared to other posters, but our poster provides a lot of enigmas that would confuse the ...