Tuesday 14 November 2017

The cat in the hat film trailer analysis

The cat in the hat

What does the title convey?
The title can make people remember the series of the cat in the hat like the books and the cartoon series this is one way it can make fans of the series want to watch the film as they might want to feel nostalgia, this can also interest adults if they have already seen the book or the cartoon series.
Genre indicator
In the first few seconds into the film trailer we already know its going to be a comedy film because we know the title "the cat in the hat", the music used also can make us think its a comedy genre film, this is because its fast and exciting music being played
We get a unrealistic look of the town this film is based in, we have buildings that look unrealistic and futuristic, There is also futuristic cars where it has 3 wheels and is oddly shaped, there is also a human like cat who can talk and interact with the children.
In the film trailer we get some unique transitions where we have a scene getting pushed to the side into another scene this also makes the film trailer feel like its a comedy based film.
In the begining of the film trailer we get half a second of the production company while the music plays which compliments the fast pace and unique transition of the production company of the world then zooming in, then into an establishing shot of the town.
In the beginning of the trailer we get an establishing shot of the town where the film is going to be filmed, we get a uneasy feeling of how unrealistic the town looks as it looks happy, unique and almost creepy how clean and colourful the town is, we also get some medium shots of the cat messing around the house.
We get some jolly exsiting music playing in the background almost playful, we also get a narrative explaning the normal and boring lives of two children who is stuck in the house, then the narrative explains about how the cat in the hat is going to change their lives for the better.

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