Tuesday 28 November 2017

Software research

The programs we are going to use to edit our film is going to be Cinema 4D and After effects these following editing software brings more advantages compared to the default editing software we were given in our school which is adobe premiere 15, when I started using premiere 15 for my first film edit, I felt restricted to the possibilities of other editing programs that could give our film more detail, but now we have done some research on finding the best for the price editing software which we came up with Cinema 4D and After effects

What is Cinema 4D, Cinema 4D is a modeling program that can be used mainly for creating objects and characters, but for our purpose is to use the film editing feature which we can use to add special 3D to our film, more in depth special effects like lasers and sci-fi waves.

What is after effects. After effects is a program simile to Cinema 4D as it can add special effects but after effects can add subtle detail to our film, an example of this is it can brighten out our film making it clearer and easy to see whats happening.

Tuesday 14 November 2017


Before even deciding our film and what ideas we have we conducted an questionnaire to decide what our film is going to be and what path we are going to follow, we did some research so that the we can get some ideas on the decision we have made.
In the first question we searched up three names for our films we decided that was good, most of the people ticked "Carnage" for our film title and we agreed as our film has zombies and the title also gave us a perspective on what kind of scenes we need to make to live up to the name.

In the second question we asked what kind of conventions the class wanted and most people picked spaceship and laser guns as second this tells us that we should focus more on the sci-fi genre rather then horror.

We also asked for the age group, this is very important for our film as if the age group is too young we cant make it gory and scary as it wound't suit the age group of 11 under, most ticked subject was 15 - 18 year old which in our group agreed that it is suitable for what we want to create for our film.

Overall most of the questions is sci-fi focused which leaves horror to be a small subject in our film we decided to use zombies as a villain for our film as we haven't thought about what kind of villain we would have for a sci-fi genre.

The cat in the hat film trailer analysis

The cat in the hat

What does the title convey?
The title can make people remember the series of the cat in the hat like the books and the cartoon series this is one way it can make fans of the series want to watch the film as they might want to feel nostalgia, this can also interest adults if they have already seen the book or the cartoon series.
Genre indicator
In the first few seconds into the film trailer we already know its going to be a comedy film because we know the title "the cat in the hat", the music used also can make us think its a comedy genre film, this is because its fast and exciting music being played
We get a unrealistic look of the town this film is based in, we have buildings that look unrealistic and futuristic, There is also futuristic cars where it has 3 wheels and is oddly shaped, there is also a human like cat who can talk and interact with the children.
In the film trailer we get some unique transitions where we have a scene getting pushed to the side into another scene this also makes the film trailer feel like its a comedy based film.
In the begining of the film trailer we get half a second of the production company while the music plays which compliments the fast pace and unique transition of the production company of the world then zooming in, then into an establishing shot of the town.
In the beginning of the trailer we get an establishing shot of the town where the film is going to be filmed, we get a uneasy feeling of how unrealistic the town looks as it looks happy, unique and almost creepy how clean and colourful the town is, we also get some medium shots of the cat messing around the house.
We get some jolly exsiting music playing in the background almost playful, we also get a narrative explaning the normal and boring lives of two children who is stuck in the house, then the narrative explains about how the cat in the hat is going to change their lives for the better.


This is going to be our final idea for our storyboard, this was the most influenced by our genres which is sci-fi and horror, in our storyboard we have a lot of establishing shots in our film we are going to use this to give the audience an idea on what our film will be about.
We will be using a lot of special effects to give our film some authenticity making it look realistic with nuke explosions and satellite crashes, and an idea of having zombies with glowing eyes but this is undecided in our group as we don't know how difficult it will be to create this, we are going to start looking for tutorials on how to use these effects and how to make them, some of the effects we used after effects and cinema 4D to create some of these effects
Some of the effects in cinema 4D we used is a nuke explosion where we got some royalty free animation then overlayed the animation to our recording of Box Hill. Another effect we used is a satellite crash where a satellite comes down from the top of the screen and then the satellite comes down onto the group. Our main focus is sci-fi so our special effects will  be mainly focused on sic-fi spaceships nuke explosions. 

Wednesday 8 November 2017

location research

When deciding our locations we tried to link it to our genre sci-fi and horror, we decided to pick spooky and scary locations, the locations are Epsom Downs, Box hill and Forty foot park

1. Epsom Downs
Our first location is Epsom downs in this location it included open areas and a small forest area, this is good as we can change scenes real quickly it also includes a lot of good scenery and open shots which can give a interesting feel to our film. We are thinking of recording at night as its going to give our film

2. Box Hill
Our second location is Box Hill in this location it includes a field which is open and vast and it also includes a small forested area in which we can use for night recording, it is also good as it can give a creepy and scary aspect to our recording. In Box Hill we recorded some nuclear explosions and we were thinking of doing this on the open field area as the camera will be pointing at the small houses at the bottom of the field/hill, this will help us as it will show more advances shots and however it is hard to get to and is hard to film, we think that it is pivotal to our film and we will show the shows collaboratively in our trailer.

3. Forty Foot Park
We decided to use this location because of how creepy and mysterious it is at night, it also has a small forest area were we can record some medium to long shots of zombies charging at the main character which makes it great for capturing shots for our film, Forty foot park also includes a lot of unique areas like a maze a forest, a playground and a field. these locations will be very useful for our film as we don't have to travel far to change scenes for our film.

Production Company

Production company

When deciding on what our production company we decided to have something similar to 20th century Fox production company intro, we decided to use an animation template and then change the text to suit our production company which we changed the text to "Infinite Films". the colours used in our film production is very warm orange which could get the audience's attention as they might think its a warm and welcoming film but it isn't as we will show how scary and mysterious it is. 

Unique - I changed the text to suit our film production but still has a lot of similarity to the original production company.
Smooth animation - We used a program called blender which is mainly used for modeling but in this case we used it to render and create our film production.
Special effects - The production company includes special effects like lights blooming on the logo

Copyright - this could get copyrighted as its very similar to 20th century Fox production company and also we cant use the music as its copyrighted as well
Time consuming - The production company video length is very long and would take a lot of our film, as we could use the rest of the seconds to create and add more for our film.
Text - the text isn't good for our film as its so bland and boring and doesn't link to our sci-fi and horror genre.

Poster analysis

When designing the poster we kept it minimal, compared to other posters, but our poster provides a lot of enigmas that would confuse the ...